Golden Hills Mustang Club's Bulletin Board
This Page is current as of Feb 11, 2025

Got a Story, Car of the Month, Ad, or Article for Pony Tales News Letter?

Monthly Web Stats Report

The Clasic Mustang 65 to 73
Vin Number and Body Plate Decoder

20 Ford Mustang Prototypes Considered For Production But Never Made It

Click here for suggested Items to send to the Troops

Hello GHMC Members,
 The Golden Hills Mustang Club is  planing a road trip to Gold Beach Oregon to ride Jerry's Jet Boat on the Majestic Rogue River!
We will be taking the 104 mile, White Water trip and hope to charter the whole boat. It takes 30 people to do that. 
We have done this trip many time and always look forward to doing it again! As you can see in the attached pictures this trip is more than a boat ride.
I took that picture of a Eagle catching a trout that was next to the boat many years ago and it still amazes me.  
We will leave on Wednesday, July 16th come home on the 20th. We plan on spending Wednesday night in Eureka and having dinner (Hopefully) at the Samoa Cookhouse. 
The boat ride is 159.00 each, lunch is included. Working on hotel rooms. 
We need a firm commitment to secure the boat and rooms so if you can go please reply to this email or call us as soon as you can because hotels fill up fast in July. 
Hope to hear from you soon! 
Dan & Norma McCabe

                                The GHMC 2025 Club Officers and Board of Directors:
President: Robert Fentress Vice President: Nick Loya Secretary: Alice Troxell Treasurer: Brian Evans Past President: Sue Calvert
Board of Directors: Danny Cordeiro, Frank Lopez, Terry Burke, Don Mceachern, Robert Lo and Paul Troxell

Suggested Items for the Troops

 Air Wick stick-ups
 After shave lotion
 Baby wipes
 Beef jerky or beef sticks
 Breakfast bars, Granola bars, power bars
 Cheese spread (no spray cans)
 Chips (in cans)
 Condiments (non-glass bottles)
 Disposable cameras
 Dixie cups
 DVD's (not violent movies)
 Eye drops
 Eyeglass cleaner wipes
 Flavor packets for water (ice tea, etc.)
 Foot powder
 Gel insoles
 Hard candy (not chocolate as it melts)
 Instant coffee
 Instant meals in a package:
 i.e.; cup of noodles, soups, pop tarts, etc.
 Lip balm
 Long distance calling cards

 Paperback books (not violent ones)
 Peanut butter & jelly (non-glass jars)
 Pens/Paper and envelopes
 Pocket electronic games
 Potted meats
 Shaving cream
 Small battery operated fan or light
 Small board games
 Small sewing kit
 Sunflower seeds
 Tea bags
 Toilet paper
 Toothbrushes and toothpaste
 Tuna (small easy open can or soft package)
 Vicks Vapo-Rub
Keep in mind that items must fit in a 12” x 12” x 5 ½” Box

A Thank you from our Troops


From Ashley Nolan:

We received your care package and wanted to send a heartfelt (and excited!) thanks your way. We appreciate your support!!
Here is a photo of us out on the flight line between missions. I'm the female on the right.
Thank you for all you do!
Ashley Nolan

From Matthew Brown:

Mr. Banovitz,

I wanted to personally thank you for the care package the Golden Hills Mustang Club sent me.  I personally took the girl scout cookies for myself but handed out the remainder of the package to one of my
squads.  They were very thankful of the socks and magazines as entertainment runs short out here.

Please give our thanks to CrossFit Solano as well.

Again, thank you for  your support.  It is received well by me and my Platoon.

Matthew Brown
Platoon Leader

From: Josh Johnson

How's it going Sir,
Just wanted to let you know from me an my platoon that we were very grateful for the package you sent SFG Gorbet he was quick to pass out a few things to us an share the love lol. I had to acknowledge the fact you went out of your way for us. Being on the other side of the world away from family gets rough sometimes. But just small kind gestures like that make it slightly better. I really appreciated it.

Thank you,
       PV2 Johnson

From: Stewart MSgt Scott USAF 26 ERQS []
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 5:33 AM
Subject: Thanks again

I just received another installment of care packages from your folks.
Thanks a ton. This one was just in time as there is a shortage of razors in
the compound!

I am hoping to be out of here in the next couple of weeks- Our replacements
are about ten days late right now. I am sure the new guys here will still be
appreciative if you and your folks want to send more care packages this way.
I think this address will ensure the packages get to the right folks-

Flight Lead
FPO AE 09372

Thanks again for the care packages.

Scott Stewart, MSgt / USAF
HH-60G Flight Engineer/Gunner
FPO AE 09372


We just received your care package here at the Pedro compound. We appreciate your recognition, thanks, and the especially the Girl Scout Cookies!

From all of us here at the 26 ERQS Pedros a big thank you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Scott Stewart, MSgt / USAF

HH-60G Flight Engineer


FPO AE 09372

"That others May Live"

Thank You from the Troops